Art & Design Scholarships - Current Students

Students must be a current full-time student majoring in Studio Art, Art Education, or Graphic Design, must have a GPA of 3.0 in Art & Design Classes and at least a 2.75 overall GPA and must be enrolled in classes full time for the next academic year, with the understanding that they will also be enrolled in Art & Design classes at that time.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Please create ONE single PDF containing the following:
    (Note: To create a PDF, put all information & images into a Word Document. Click ‘File’> ‘Save as Adobe PDF’ or File>Print>Printer>Adobe PDF)
    1. Name
    2. College ID Number
    3. College (or Home) Address
    4. Phone Number
    5. WSC Email
    6. Major (K-12 Art Ed, Graphic Design, or Studio Art
    7. GPA at WSC overall
    8.GPA in Art & Design courses (Note: GPA is found in your Undergraduate Degree Audit on WildcatsOnline. Your overall GPA is listed near the top right as "WAYNE GPA." Your Art & Design GPA is listed further below, at the top of your majors requirements, as "GPA: 2.000 required, #.### actual.”)
    9. Academic Year (Fresh/Soph/Jr/Sr)
    10. Currently receiving a full-tuition or Art & Design Scholarship?
    11. Are you enrolled full-time and in Art & Design courses in Fall of 2023?
    12. List any organizational memberships, Art/Design activities, awards, honors, and scholarships (specify dates)
    Five high-quality images for 5 of your current Art or Design works from Studio Art or Graphic Design courses at WSC. Include the title, medium, and date for each work shown. (example: A Sunny Day, acrylic, 2022 -or- Business Logo, digital, 2021)
    Only applications submitted in one single PDF with all required materials will be reviewed.